38個寫錯的考卷答案(38 Test Answers That Are 100% Wrong But Totally Genius At The Same Time): Difference between revisions

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==因為你一開始就把硬幣給丟了(because you flipped the coin first)==
==因為你先擲了硬幣(because you flipped the coin first)==

5. 丟出一枚硬幣,使其兩面翻轉,這單枚硬幣擲出反面的機率有多少? (※請求指正)
5. 擲出一枚硬幣,再扔出一顆骰子,試求骰子扔出奇數時,硬幣擲出反面之機率。

__0% 因為你一開始就把硬幣給丟了__
__0% 因為你先擲了硬幣__
(※本項目感謝 gigauni 網友指正)

  5. A coin is flipped and then a die is rolled,
  5. A coin is flipped and then a die is rolled,

Latest revision as of 14:15, 17 December 2013


若本頁有不完善,或是錯誤之處,還請各位多多利用討論頁面給予意見,非常感謝! A_A

文章來源:38 Test Answers That Are 100% Wrong But Totally Genius At The Same Time | Distractify

本頁短址 38TestAnswers

因為我聰明。(Because I'm smart.)

4. 一週有幾天? __7__

5. 一年有幾個月? __12__

6. 此數為偶數或奇數? 68 __偶數__

7. 你如何得知的? __因為我聰明。__

__因為該數的個位數為偶數。__ X (※感謝 gigauni 網友指正)

4. How many days are in a week? __7__
5. How many months are in a year? __12__
6. Is this number even or odd? 68 __even__
7. How do you know? __Because I'm smart.__
__Because the number in the one's place is even.__ X

寫出四邊形的名字。(Name the quadrilateral.)



姓名 __希望__


長方形 菱形 平行四邊形 正方形 梯形

1. __鮑伯__

2. __山姆__

3. __哈利__

4. __泰德森__

5. __凱特__

Name __hope__

Name the quadrilateral.
rectangle rhombus parallelogram square trapezoid
1. __BoB__
2. __Sam__
3. __hary__
4. __Tedison__
5. __Cate__

填入<或>。(Write < or >.)

1. 填入<或>。

a. 0.5 __或__ 1.0

b. 3.2 __或__ 3.02

c. 4.83 __或__ 4.8

d. 6.25 __或__ 6.4

e. 0.7 __或__ 0.07

1. Write < or >.
a. 0.5 __or__ 1.0
b. 3.2 __or__ 3.02
c. 4.83 __or__ 4.8
d. 6.25 __or__ 6.4
e. 0.7 __or__ 0.07

哈庫吶 瑪塔塔(HCOONa Matata)

HCOONa __Matata__

※譯註:「Hakuna Matata」:哈庫那馬他他 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書

你不該打狗狗(you should not hit dogs)




這個人__疼__這隻狗。(叮、打) 你不該打狗狗


Write the correct word.
The man can __run__. (rub, run, rug)
The man __pet__ the dog. (fit, hit) you should not hit dogs
The __fox__ ran. (fog, fox, for)

我會叫他別去看戲。(I'd tell him not to go to a play ever.)



__我會叫他別去看戲。__ (※感謝 gigauni 網友指正)

(※譯註:因為林肯死於劇院 → 福特劇院重新開業紀念林肯誕辰200周年 - 維基新聞,自由的新聞源

He walked three miles to the woman's house
and returned the money.

Imaging that you lived at the same time as
Abraham Lincoln. What would you say to him or ask him?

__I'd tell him not to go to a play ever.__

因為你先擲了硬幣(because you flipped the coin first)

5. 擲出一枚硬幣,再扔出一顆骰子,試求骰子扔出奇數時,硬幣擲出反面之機率。

__0% 因為你先擲了硬幣__

(※本項目感謝 gigauni 網友指正)

5. A coin is flipped and then a die is rolled,
what is the probability of rolling an odd and then flipping a tails.
__0% because you flipped the coin first__




Write an example of a risk

我是個伸手族(I am a freeloader)


我在家裡賺零花錢的方法是 __我沒做。我是個伸手族__。

Name: __Frankie__
I earn money at home by __I don't.__
__I am a freeloader__.

就簽在最底下。(At the bottom.)



Where was the American Declaration
of Independence signed?
At the bottom.

她瞎了(She is blind)

b 米蘭達低頭看她的顯微鏡,卻看不見任何東西。試想出一個為何看不見的理由。

__她瞎了__ X 你很天才!

b Mirands can't see anything when she
looks down her microscope.
Suggest one reason why not
__She is blind__ X Nice try!

當他想被幹他馬的屄時。(when he wants to be an asshole.)

24. 汽車駕駛何時會打開他/她的遠光燈?


24. When should a motorist use
his or her bright beams?
__when he wants to be an asshole.__






= (a + b)n

= (a  +  b)n

= (a     +     b)n

X 很有意思,彼得。


= (a + b)n
= (a  +  b)n
= (a     +     b)n
X Very funny, Peter.

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